Wardley Gate Christmas Market

Wardley Gate Christmas Market

There is no need to travel to a Christmas Market to get in the festive spirit as Wardley Gate hosted their very own last week! 
Wardley Gate Christmas Market was the place to be last week as there is nothing more festive than a Christmas Market. Wardley Gate ensured that each floor floor experienced their own Christmas Market where residents browsed through clothes and tried on jewellery whilst singing to Christmas songs. If there is one way to get ready for Christmas this was it!
Through-out the afternoon Christmas ice-cream floats were served too which were delicious!
Tinsel T-shirts
Earlier in the week our residents designed and made their very own style of Christmas t-shirts. With tinsel, baubles, jewels and sparkle there was so much laughter in the air!
Our staff wore the t-shirts to the Christmas Market, making the day even more special.


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